Found image - Woman with tivaevae, Rarotonga, Cook Islands

I captured this photo of locals dancing in traditional Cook Island costumes in Rarotonga, 2009. The bright colours reflect the energetic style of dancing, an art which is very important in the Cook Islands.
I was particularly interested in the fishing equipment on display. It is portrayed in a fashion which implies it is respected and interesting. It does not include any information on the background of Maori fishing within New Zealand - Maori fishing rights were removed by settlers during the colonization of New Zealand and they have spent years attempting to receive these right back. Even though the Treaty of Waitangi stated that Maori fishing rights would not be affected by the arrival of Pakeha, laws passed since removed all rights entirely, and it has taken years to restore a type of balance.
The objects selected in this room romanticise the Maori society within New Zealand. Everything is implied to be in the past rather than the present and there is no mention of the wars, suffering or tremendous struggles and poor treatment of the Maori by settlers. This piece of history is omitted from the exhibition, and this may give the tourist the impression of a history peaceful relationship of Maori and Pakeha.

Left to right:
The positive relationship is also conveyed in the paintings of Maori chiefs on the wall by settlers. They are painted in their cultural attire, and their pounamu, moko and traditional clothing is highlighted by the artists, implying that the culture is respected. The frames a look important, They are portrayed to look wise and there is a sense of importance, as only upper class citizens were painted in such a way at that time, although this was probably to send back to England to provide visual information of the natives. It is interesting that in almost none of the paintings does the chief meet the gaze of the viewer. The narrative below informs the viewer that one of them was married to an English woman, and she came to live with him in Parnell. In fact, indigenous people were treated as savages. There were bloody wars. Their laws were abolished, and their land, taken from them. The Maori language was eventually banned. These are some examples of the turbulent relationship between Maori and Pakeha. A tourist viewing his exhibition without much prior knowledge of the history of New Zealand would leave this collection of work being none the wiser of the bitter struggle between cultures. These paintings are also of the Maori people as portrayed by Pakeha, not themselves. They are of chiefs. The settlers promised that the chiefs would be treated upper class gentlemen. This is an idea which may be conveyed to a viewer through these paintings, but in truth, chiefs were abused, arrested, their land pillaged, and their voices ignored by the colonizers. This is particularly interesting, given that the name of the museum is the Auckland War Memorial Museum. Although it is not referencing those particular wars, one would thing that they ought to be remembered as part of recent Maori history.
Another interesting exhibit in this room is the map of New Zealand which uses the Maori place names. When New Zealand was colonized, there was a struggle over land ownership. The British passed a law to the effect that the Maori could keep only the land they lived on and used for farming. This allowed the Crown to claim nearly all the land in New Zealand, as it was mostly uninhabited. It mattered not to the settlers that the Maori people had been there for centuries and that they already had names for the locations throughout the country - this was dismissed entirely, and new maps were created at the whim of the Pakeha. There is no context surrounding this map, other than that it demonstrates the Maori place names as of historical interest. There was a huge struggle as the settlers led the Maori to believe, through the Treaty of Waitangi, that their land rights would not be affected. This map provides some cultural insight which would interest a tourist, but they would again receive a completely romanticised view of New Zealand, and the idea of Maori culture belonging mostly in the past.
This exhibition portrays a Maori culture as modern Pakeha in New Zealand would like the rest of the world to see it - as a peaceful, respected, balance of cultured and a unique and important cultural history. It shunts the culture of the Maori people into the past, as society has been doing for years, and oppresses them. It seems strange to me that the artefacts on display were in fact a reality in this country until very recently in history, yet they are pushed very much into the past, and with no real explanation. Clearly, there are some aspects of Maori culture which are not or practical use since the colonization of New Zealand, but some are used every day. Pounamu is used, for example, for Maori healing. The jewellery designs are still commonplace, but they are made less sacred by displaying them in cold cases on a wall and flogging rip off versions in gift shops. The Maori people are obviously very part of society in New Zealand today, but this history of Maori culture does not acknowledge this.